Home Editor's Essays I Am Proud of My Fellow Jew

I Am Proud of My Fellow Jew


 [img]2439|right|Scarlett Johansson||no_popup[/img]Jew-haters of the world are celebrating their latest garbage-smeared triumph this afternoon, fittingly scant hours before the start of Shabbos, a sacred weekly Jewish ritual that leftists, American and otherwise, loathe.

Anti-Semites from a left-wing global “charity,” the discredited Oxfam International – which seeks to (beware) “find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice” – yesterday fired the actress Scarlett Johansson as one of its ambassadors. Spewing venom, Oxfam leaders said ScarJo, 29, is guilty of a crime against Palestinian terrorists and their universal supporters.

The story has been in the newspapers for days. American liberals and other haters are furious with Ms. Johansson for filming a Super Bowl commercial for an Israeli company based in the West Bank.

She is touting the Israeli company’s drink, which offends the vile anti-Semites who operate the obscene Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which intimidates companies and persons into divesting from Israel because it refuses to surrender its country to the invading Palestinian terrorists.

Jew-haters, like the Los Angeles Titanic’s new Girl in Jerusalem, Katie Linthicum, bare their fangs and lyingly refer to the region as “the Israeli-occupied West Bank.”

While she is new to the land, Katie Baby has learned the hate lexicon at an impressive speed. Anger will do that.

Jew-haters like Ms. Linthicum, with a limited lexicon, consistently employ the identical verb to describe the return of a crucial plot of Israeli land in the Six-Day War. Ms. Linthicum and the I Hate Jews anvil chorus prefer to twist it thusly:

“The company, SodaStream International, Ltd., is the target of a growing boycott movement of products made on land seized by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War and claimed by Palestinians for a future independent state.”

Seized? Are you a political comedian? You will only read such baldertrash in a left-wing, Jew-hating newspaper like the Titanic.

It is irrelevant to left-wing haters (but I repeat myself) that 500 of SodaStream’s 1300 employees are Palestinians.

As a Jew, I am proud of my fellow Jew, Ms. Johansson (which newspapers conveniently leave out because it blows their anger cover), for standing up for Israel against the state’s worldwide left-wing haters.