Home News Bombshell for Ice Arena – Mehaul in Middle – Can It Still...

Bombshell for Ice Arena – Mehaul in Middle – Can It Still Be Saved?


Re “The Ice Arena Corpse Still Is Wiggling. O’Leary Takes a Bow”

Bones of the story are as bare, as clue-stingy as tall, slim, leafless trees in late autumn – to describe the latest unscripted but now throbbing drama in the final six days of the Culver City Ice Arena’s life.

New details are cloaked in so-far impenetrable mystery, and curious question surfaces out of the watery depths:

Can the Ice Arena yet be saved?

“Sherlock” may be the new sobriquet for City Councilman Mehaul O’Leary, who could have a bombshell in his arsenal.

He is stretching his cerebral skills to their outermost limits as he tries to rescue the fast sinking – but not yet dead – beloved ice rink.

Surely his heroics at last evening’s Council meeting suffused some Ice Arena partisans – who believe in miracles – with the longshot notion that lightning from heaven is within reach.

Here is the latest from Mr. O’Leary, as of mid-afternoon:

“I learned little tidbits of new information as I was leaving Council Chambers last night,” said Culver City’s No. 1 Irish import.

“The information has a little more potential than was perceived at the meeting.

“Staff are telling me this could have a big impact.

“But they said they needed time to review it.

“It sounded like it was an older document, a document they have just uncovered. I am guessing right now that it probably has new ramifications for the property.

“But staff doesn’t want to say anything until they have figured out,” said Mr. O’Leary, “‘what does this mean?’”

The Councilman said he asked City Manager John Nachbar at the end of the evening, “Is this just a delay or could it have an effect?”

Says Mr. O’Leary: “I was told it could have an effect.”

At 4 o’clock this afternoon, Mr. Nachbar told the newspaper that “we don’t know yet. We are in the midst of reviewing files. We don’t have anything to report just yet. Soon as possible, but not quite yet.”

A Nachbar text identified the paper as “an old document.”

What does that mean?