Home OP-ED No Going Baca on His Word: Sheriff Lee’s Days Are Over

No Going Baca on His Word: Sheriff Lee’s Days Are Over


[img]1862|right|John Walsh||no_popup[/img]Don't Cry, Leroy.  How super-sad. Especially the distressing part of your so-long-it's-been-good-to-know-ya speech to the anxious, assembled troops where you got so super-choked-up with self-pity and almost started whimpering.

“Your misty-eyed (hardly Emmy-worthy) performance of your resignation speech before a live audience early on Tuesday morning, while gripping with both white-knuckled hands  the  wooden lectern that matched your wooden performance, turned out to be so sexy that the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley no less decided  to include some crooked-heartfelt excerpts  of what  turned  out  to be nothing more or less than a disguised, weepy plea of yours for DOJ judicial mercy…combined with a permanent stay of execution from the inevitable future criminal indictment aimed straight at your law officer and that trademark frown of yours.

“Don't do the crime, Lee, if you don't wanna do the time! You oughta know that much already!

[img]2377|right|Sheriff Lee Baca||no_popup[/img]”How do you plan to spend your Wednesday now?  Mailing back, one by one, those tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contribution checks from your ardent supporters that aren't worth a crap and a half once you have bugged out of this bruising Sheriff's race?

“It's extremely doubtful that U.S. Atty. Andre Birotte Jr. was impressed enough by the flea-bitten dog-and-pony show you staged Tuesday AM to cancel the second wave of on-the-horizon federal indictments that promise to finally trap your sanctimonious self, Mr. Ex-Sheriff along your past partner in crime, Paul Tanaka!

“Who spilled the beans on Baca? Hey, Lee, hasn't one of your most trusted advisors turned canary,  singing his heart out to avoid prosecution himself? It's always the one you least expect  Isn't that so, Citizen Baca?

“Hire a good criminal lawyer right now, Baca. How about those high-priced shysters who got O.J. off the hook for murdering his wife and snuffing out the delivery boy? Some of them are available to defend you right this moment.

“Didn't you receive that horrible, unexpected tipoff call Monday right after you were interviewed by CBS-TV's Dave Bryan where you couldn't stop telling him how gung-ho enthusiastic you were about running for  re-election?

“That was the tipoff phone message that  made you wish you were actually wearing Depends Adult Diapers when you picked up the receiver and listened meekly…causing  you to make a 180-degree role reversal on running for office  because that high-powered familiar voice on the other end of the line meant serious business. “Mr. Big” gave you no choice whatsoever but to bug out of the race immediately.

“So presto-chango. You turned on a dime and spent all Monday evening hastily visiting each of the five County Supervisors face to face in order to inform each one you were an abruptly-changed man who was promptly throwing in the towel on his re-election bid the very next morning in a mad dash to escape a federal Dept. of Justice indictment.

Why no time to spare, huh?

“If you're smart, Mr. Newly Ex-Sheriff, your next port of call should be Rio de Janeiro  because Brazil has no extradition treaty with the U.S. … so you won't  get deported to face trial here in the good ole USA!

“Incidentally, Lee, endorsing  two of your  most loyal deputy advisors to replace you during that cringe-worthy Tuesday speech  of yours was  nothing less than a kiss of death for both of their potential candidacies.”

JWALSH CONFIDENTIAL vehemently endorses Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell for LASD Sheriff because Chief McDonnell is the only one of your would-be successors with clean hands.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at Jwalshconfidential.wordpress.com and www.hollywoodhighlands.org