Home Breaking News Except for Walls of Scandals, Defeats, Obama Was Perfect

Except for Walls of Scandals, Defeats, Obama Was Perfect


If I told you, dear reader, that this was Wednesday morning, you swiftly would correct me.

In the 10 weeks since the Right trumped the bullyboys on Election Day, Democrats have been announcing that today is the day before.

Busy Americans absentmindedly nod uh-huh.

The globe keeps spinning. Who notices? Business proceeds as usual. Liberals count on widespread American inattentiveness to retain their chokeholds.

The Lie of the Moment: The corrupt Obama administration was scandal-free.

Oh, yeah? Only a liberal racist would swallow that whopper – and our country is teeming with L.R.’s.

Nine years ago, criticism of Mr. Obama officially was deemed racist by the Obama sycophants.

Shuddering, the white media boys recoiled back into their mommy’s womb, and the president strutted off untouched. His talent for lying remained intact, matching his gift for obscene-level pleasure traveling.

Even though work-allergic Mr. Obama spent less time in the office than any president in the last hundred years, his puerile hands-off, feet-off, mind-off approach spawned at least five crimes.

Journalists John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky corrected the record written by bigots:

“In reality,” they wrote, “Mr. Obama has resided over some of the worst scandals in recent decades.”

They called the following record a partial list:

  • Hillary’s fiercely competing lies about her shenanigans during and after setting up her blatantly illegal private email server.
  • Incompetent ousted attorney general Eric Holder’s walls of lies about Operation Fast and Furious, the know-nothing Obama team’s scam/scheme allowing thousands of guns to sail into the hands of Mexican criminals.
  • Ongoing and contemporary abuse of the Internal Revenue Service, zeroing in on perceived Obama  enemies.
  • Veterans Affairs – Although our Bob Rosebrock can recite reams of VA scandals, Mr. Fund and Mr. von Spakovsky cite the deaths of 40 veterans whose treatments were delayed – and a bundle of damning data.
  • Benghazi — Brassy Hillary’s public, not private, lies about four assassinated Americans just ahead of Mr. Obama’s re-election will forever scar her already horrendous record of unethical conduct.
  • Hacking – The writers note that the hopelessly disengaged president oversaw the worst data breach in federal government history.

Otherwise, girly-kneed President Obama etched a proud record – except for his consistent calculated spiking of racial tensions, his incredibly bad judgment of civilian personnel, his cowardly military stances regarding red lines in the sand that magically vanished, his puppet role while sitting on Putin’s lap…


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