Home OP-ED Off to a Quiet Start

Off to a Quiet Start

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton — Hope everyone had a happy time welcoming the New Year, and so far, at Day 5, 2017 has been good.

After breakfast on New Year’s Eve, Pauline and I sent the daylight hours doing errands.  By 5 o’clock we were on our way to dinner, but Pauline wasn’t feeling well. We returned home.  Supper was so exciting I don’t remember what I ate.  I watched a little of the Ohio State football game, a 31-0 loss, and fell asleep.  So boring, especially if you were an Ohio State fan.  Shortly after 10, I was in bed.  Did not even see the Dick Clark Times Square fiasco.

Pauline was feeling better on Sunday, so we went to church and breakfast.  Since pork and sauerkraut had to be on the menu, we stopped at the store.  It is said that eating pork and sauerkraut on New Year’s Day will bring you luck.  I don’t eat sauerkraut. That may explain my lack of luck, especially in Vegas, where I will be heading at the end of this month.

Since we had things to do on Tuesday, I worked Monday so I could have a day off.

I purchased a used safe on Tuesday to store my growing stack of papers.  A safe deposit box would have been less expensive, but I like the convenience of having the paperwork accessible. Afterward, we went to select carpeting for our bedroom.  We are tired of the same carpet throughout our condo.

Next stop was Alzheimer’s Assn. We signed  up for their support group.  Pauline has been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s. We  believe a support group would be helpful for both of us.  We visited the pharmacy, thrift store and the bank before going home.

I rearrange pieces in the garage to make space for the safe, due to arrive this morning.

Returning to the Dark Side

I hate reading about young children dying at the hands of people entrusted with providing loving care.

We just had a baby die due to the father shaking the child violently.  He told police that he was a bad person. He is.  Possibly the day will come when we are fed up with the number of children being killed. Then we can require licensing to have children.

Many parents don’t know how to raise and handle children.  They didn’t receive the proper role-model examples. They need to be educated.  Just as you study for your driving test, we need to insist on having the same type of education to raise children.

The latest: A 2-year-old died of an overdose.  Authorities are not sure if it was accidental or deliberate. It should not have occurred.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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