Home OP-ED He Can’t Keep McDon, Can He?

He Can’t Keep McDon, Can He?

Robert Rosebrock

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, 

Here we go again. So-called Veterans Service Organizations, who represent less than 20 percent of nearly 25 million U.S. military Veterans, are unilaterally speaking for “all” Veterans.

The VSOs – the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vietnam Veterans of America, Amvets — are sanctioned by Congress. They answer to Congress.

They are calling for President-elect Trump to keep VA Secretary Robert A. McDonald, the most dishonest, anti-American Cabinet member in history.

Only The New York Times could print this rubbish.


Veterans Groups Urge Trump to Keep Obama’s V.A. Secretary


“On Friday, leaders of the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vietnam Veterans of America and Amvets told members of Mr. Trump’s transition team that they would not support other candidates that have been mentioned.

“We all want McDonald,” said Joe Chenelly, the executive director of Amvets. “He has a good business mind, he is experienced and we feel we can trust him.” 

What do you mean “we”?

What do you mean “trust”?

Veteran advocates in-the-know believe that McDonald is anything but trustworthy. He has ordered Los Angeles VA police to falsely arrest elderly Veterans for displaying the American flag and illegally citing them for “displaying a placard” while illegally confiscating their American flags.

Mr. McDonald is a pathological liar. He has lied about the medical waiting time and even lied about his own military service while cheating Veterans of their land at the Los Angeles National Veterans Home,  stealing it for wealthy non-Veteran cronies.

He has failed to honor his promise to end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles by Dec. 31, 2015.  We are still the nation’s capital for homeless Veterans.

A West Point graduate, he is an international disgrace.

“Secretary McDonald’s Oath to Lie, Cheat and Steal”

Secretary McDonald’s Oath to Lie, Cheat and Steal

On the other hand, President-elect Trump is making serious sense when it comes to appointing a real Veteran to be Secretary of the VA, retired Lt. Col. Allen B. West, former Congressman with honest, no-nonsense credentials.


Lt. Col. Allen West Destroys Obama’s VA Administration, Meets with Trump for 2nd Time


Col. West will be to the VA in defense of our U.S. military Veterans what Gen. Mad Dog Mattis will be to the Defense Dept., in defense of America’s citizenry, Making America Great Again!

However, if Mr. Trump does go with Mr. McDonald, he needs to go as President of the USA and be impeached for aiding and abetting a treasonous government official.

The VSO’s all need to have their Congressional Charters pulled for supporting Mr. McDonald and refusing to defend the American Flag.

Why haven’t the VSO’s demanded that Mr. Trump name a Veteran to the Supreme Court to enforce our Constitution?

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com


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