Home OP-ED Times – No Friend of Jews

Times – No Friend of Jews

U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)

Every Jew and many Christians know Israel is the most hated nation on earth since re-attaining statehood in 1948.

Even in an era of cupcake college students, mentally crippled because their presidential candidate lost, the admirably brave kids still have retained enough of what passes for common sense to bitterly ridicule Jewish classmates wherever encountered on American campuses.

Although fact-free leftists dispute this report, Jewish young men and women – not the heavily publicized Muslims – are the No. 1 target of aggrieved “minorities” in the coast to coast college sphere.

For a quick sample, witness the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement against Israel.

A close call, but hatred of Jews may be more widespread than ubiquitous leftism on college campuses.

As holder of perhaps the richest record in American newspaper history for Jew hatred, it was no surprise this morning when the Los Angeles Times viciously editorialized against the newly introduced Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.

“If it reaches his desk, President Obama should veto it,” the virulently anti-Jewish Times thundered.
The newspaper have two reasons for opposition:

  • What Jew hatred?
  • Plenty of safeguards already are oin place.

If an Anti-Islamic Awareness Act were brought to Congress, you could grow wealthy fast betting the Times would endorse it.

Predictably, the Times used every anti-Semite’s justification, that criticism of Israel’s government is not anti-Semitic. If that is so, why was all criticism of the Obama administration branded racist?

Still waiting for a response.

Since diversity is the obsession-based first commandment of the routinely anti-religious left, you might think they would applaud legislation carried by a black (Republican Tim Scott) and a Catholic (Democrat Bob Casey).

“Diversity has limits,” said a Democrat friend.

(To be continued)


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