Home Breaking News Did Trump Election Change Rose’s Mind?

Did Trump Election Change Rose’s Mind?

Steve Rose

Almost two weeks after Donald Trump was elected president, Culver City’s best known Republican, the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, has no regrets about declining to vote for him.

“I agreed more with President-elect Trump on many of his economic policies than I did with Secretary Clinton,” Steve Rose said this morning.

Perhaps surprisingly, Mr. Rose not only did not cast a vote for president, he only voted for one human, as he put it, on the ballot.

Mr. Rose explained why he demurred:

“My concern with Mr. Trump was — and is — his use of Twitter, picking personal fights, and then his (negative) remarks about Sen. John McCain, a war hero and former POW. He was an Air Force officer whowas flying in combat when he was shot down over North Vietnam.”

When Mr. Trump said he was going to be “very kind in deporting the families of illegals, this kind of reminded me of something I heard at him,” Mr. Rose said.

The sensitive son of Holocaust survivors said Mr. Trump’s threat/promise “kind of reminded me of things my parents told me were going on in Germany prior to World War II.”

Knowing what he knows now about the  election and its aftermath, would the Chamber leader vote for Mr. Trump today.

He paused and exhaled.

“Probably not,” he said succinctly.


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