Home Breaking News Everyone’s Opinion Sought on Polystyrene

Everyone’s Opinion Sought on Polystyrene

Graphic: SQ Magazine

First of two parts. 

You thought, maybe, that banning certain popular forms of polystyrene containers would be a cinch, given the overwhelming endorsement by environmental advocates.

It is turning into a much lengthier process than it did in mid-summer when the Ballona Creek Renaissance first made the proposal.

Instead of merely surveying restaurateurs, as first reported, the entire Culver City community will be invited to participate this month in a poll to determine a substitute for environmentally-unfriendly polystyrene food containers.

Public Works Director Charles Herbertson will be at the polling helm.

Contents of the survey questions have not yet been finalized by the City Council’s Sustainability Subcommittee, Meghan Sahli-Wells and Goran Eriksson.

Once the language is ready, Mr. Herbertson said, “we will use all of our electronic means, probably including the city’s website (www.cuvercity.org).

“We will send the survey out to a number of email lists, the Chamber of Commerce and other groups that might be interested so they can forward the questions to their members.”

Mr. Herbertson noted that the Sustainability Subcommittee still is seeking consensus on whether they favored going back to the Council with a recommendation to ban polystyrene.

“Instead, they decided to survey the entire community, see where they stand and report the findings to the full City Council,” the Public Works director said. “At that point, the Council will decide if they want to implement a ban on polystyrene.”

(To be continued)


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