Home A&E Two Serious Matters

Two Serious Matters

Dr. Janet Hoult

[Editor’s Note: After penning the timely poem below, Culver City’s honorary poetess laureate updated us on the health of her husband, the rocket scientist.] 

“When I brought Charley home from the hospital Tuesday afternoon, I wrote the following to his rocket engineering students at CSULB:

“Last Thursday our cardiologist suspected that Charley had anemia and arranged for a blood test.  He phoned us at home that afternoon to tell us that Charley’s hemoglobin level had dropped from 12 in May to 7.1 and that he needed a blood transfusion.  The past few days he has undergone a bone marrow test and has been diagnosed with AML – Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  Charley has been in the hospital at CedarsSinai and was discharged Tuesday. He will be going to see our hematologist for a 5th blood transfusion (his hemoglobin was 8 when we left Cedars) and to begin chemotherapy.

“He is going to do his best to keep in touch with you and will work with you by phone and email.  If I can get the Skype operational, he can keep in touch with ESRA (The Experimental Sounding Rocket Assn. Team) that way.”


Vote Early and Often!

By Janet Hoult 

“Vote early and often!” the old man said

As he stood and watched while nodding his head

At the young man who had just registered to vote

Who told the old man he’d be sure to take note.


Said he “I’ll vote early, but I’ll only vote once.”

Not wanting the old man to think he was a dunce.

The old man, showing the wisdom of his years,

Told him he was correct and allayed his fears.

“Exercise your right to vote once at each election

But if you don’t vote, you may lose your selection!”

Dr. Hoult may be contacted at HOULTight@aol.com


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