Home News 4 Women Business Leaders

4 Women Business Leaders

Ms. Sbeglia (left) and Ms. Adams-Geller (right)

Josetta Sbeglia of Fresh Paint, Paige Adams-Geller of PAIGE, Jodi Shays of Queen Bee Salo, and Ann Mugglebee of Vibe CreativeLA will be honored by the Women’s Business Council of the Chamber of Commerce, Thursday, Oct. 20, at an Awards Luncheon at the Doubletree by Hilton LAWestside.

The Women’s Business Council was created this year by the Chamber Board of Directors for tw reasons:

  • To highlight women-owned businesses and
  • To seek networking opportunities by female business owners.

The four honorees have created and grown their business in Culver City.

In their own manner, they have sought to expand the image of Culver City as the center of a unique business community with a core of outstanding women business leaders adding a unique culture to a vibrant economy.

“Limiting our choices to four was truly our biggest challenge,” said Chamber Chair Colette Moore.

Lauren Reynolds, founder of At Home Healthcare, a former Miss Culver City and a television news anchor, will be the MC for the luncheon

Tower Insurance Associates, Freeport McMoran and Sony Pictures Entertainment are sponsoring the luncheon.

Lisa Sugar of PopSugar will have a copy of her book as a table gift for one lucky person at each table.

Those interested in attending, may bring along their favorite man or have him treat her next week.

Reservations may be made at www.culvercitychamber.com, clicking the calendar where the Women in Business Luncheon is featured or call Ms. Saldaña at 310.287.3850.


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