Home OP-ED Registering for Fun

Registering for Fun

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton — Last weekend the Cash Register Collectors Club held a get-to-gather, here in Dayton. Due to death of my collecting buddy Howard on Sept. 2, I had to handle the event by myself, though I did get help from Pauline and our son Chris.

On Thursday my friend Milton, from Australia, arrived along with his wife and another couple. Pauline and I took them to Doubleday’s for supper.

I spent Friday taking care of all the loose ends. Chris made a trip to the airport to pick up Art, who flew in from California. That evening we were at the British Transportation Museum for a tour, and to view the cash registers and memorabilia on the display stand I helped to build.

Dan did an outstanding job on the unit. In addition to the tour and viewing the display, we had a pizza party. Cousin Vinny’s, a local chain, provided great pizzas, as evidenced by the surviving crumbs.

After the museum, we headed to the hotel for fellowship, along with some liquid refreshments, which were enjoyed by all.

Saturday, we were joined by additional members for our swap meet and then a tour of Carillon Park, to view their extensive register display.

The weather was fantastic for the swap meet. We met many local residents who brought registers and other memorabilia for sale, or to get appraised. I purchased a few items to enhance my small collection.

After touring the park, we had dinner at the Carillon Brewing Company. Many members headed home. Those who stayed went back at the hotel for additional stories regarding finding and repairing registers, along with another round of liquid refreshments.

After church and breakfast Sunday, we met Milton and his wife in Waynesville, where we visited the antique stores. Milton was able to find a National Cash Register book and Elizabeth purchased a couple items.

We then went back to the hotel, picked up a couple from California and headed back to Doubleday’s for another great meal. We said our goodbyes.

Monday was a workday for me. Milton was planning to go to the Ohio Caverns. The couple from California were flying home.

Tuesday, we had to make a stop at Walmart, and as I was entering the store, Milton and his wife were exiting. What a coincidence! We chatted for a few minutes, as they were on their way to the airport, for their trip to California. They will leave for Australia on Friday.

The Club’s next event will be our swap meet and meeting in November in St. Charles, IL.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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