Home OP-ED I Love Luce, Desi Says

I Love Luce, Desi Says

Mr. Luce. Photo: University of California, Santa Cruz

Eddie Luce is your standard-issue liberal: Disarmingly cynical, you treat your rivals as you would insects — petty to a fault — burning daily with unquenchable rage — a master of mockery — he is noisily intolerant of even slightly differing views — poised to spew racist insults with scant notice and no provocation.

The chief Washington correspondent of the Financial Times of London, Eddie belongs to a vast crowd of muttering liberals. They ponder: How can Donald Trump be virtually even with Desperate Hillary, the other candidate who dresses as a man?

The boys do not understand why their unrelieved 16-month hurricane of daily lies and exaggerations about Mr. Trump in America’s largest newspapers has not buried him.

In today’s essay, Eddie barely can keep his shoes on.

Even though Eddie and his pals have pilloried Mr. Trump every day since a year ago June, their whoring of journalistic tradition via lies about the candidate have, incongruously, been turned to Mr. Trump’s advantage.

Eddie insisted that down is up and light is dark, truisms in a liberal-run world.

“Mr. Trump has two key partners,” Eddie asserts. “The first is the media. Conservatives believe the conventional media suffers from deep liberal bias. Most journalists probably are on the left by their measure.”

He says that Mr. Trump’s other key ally is “public cynicism.”

Eddie closes by alluding to that old liberal standby, Nazism. If your imagination runs dry, call your rival Hitler. Boys, boys.


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