Home OP-ED A Stroke of Fortune

A Stroke of Fortune

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

I rarely write about people who have had strokes.

My stroke clients often respond well.

I started working with stroke clients eight years ago on a cruise. I met a lady who had suffered a stroke eight years earlier. She had severe difficulty moving her right arm and right leg.

She had undergone rehabilitation but was very unhappy at the lack of progress. (See the video at my website www.hypnotherapy4you.net under “Helpful Articles,” “Strokes.”)

One gentleman’s wife had suffered a stroke and he wanted me to visit her in the hospital.

Paralyzed so severely she could do no more than blink, she mumble incoherent words and moved her head from side to side.

As much as my heart went out to the couple, I could do nothing to help.

A 23-year-old young lady had suffered a stroke that created paralysis in her left hand, in particular her third and fourth fingers.

At her first session she showed me her limited movement. I suggested to her subconscious, when she was hypnotized, that the subconscious find alternate pathways to do what her brain had been doing before her stroke.

Amazingly enough at her third session she found that she was now able to move her third and fourth fingers with significantly less effort. She was thrilled. With additional physical therapy and hypnosis, her finger movement improved to the point where her paralysis was almost disappeared.

Our brains are truly remarkable. We only use 5 percent of the total brain power available to us. It has plenty of space to allow new pathways and ideas to be formed. Of the 5 percent, only 10 percent is our conscious.

Everything about us is stored within our subconscious.

If you are not happy with the way you are, change by using hypnosis. When you talk to a psychiatrist or psychologist, he is talking with you from his conscious mind to your conscious mind. When a hypnotist works with you and you are hypnotized, the hypnotist is talking directly to your subconscious.

You can see from the percentages that talking with the subconscious is going to produce more rapid results.

The subconscious has been trained by you and your body to give you what you are. You can create the means to change by choosing hypnosis.

Visualize the behavior you want. As you continue hypnosis, changes start.

Using hypnosis for improvement after a stroke, or for any other issue, is a wonderful experience.

Know what you want. Find out what you need to do to get it.

Stroke victims may not fully recover with hypnosis. They may certainly gain improved movement, though, and with that a better life.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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