Home OP-ED Let the Music Play on

Let the Music Play on

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton — Pauline and I attended a Yanni concert last Friday. Fantastic, even though it wasn’t what I expected. I thought Yanni was the person who played soft, relaxing music on a flute- type instrument. Anything but soft and relaxing, the show was a fast-paced and high-energy show on a very hot 2½-hour evening. No intermission.

It was steaming, and watching Yanni perform, made me even hotter as he moved from keyboard to keyboard, wearing a black long sleeved shirt. I did see a whirring fan on stage, but I hope there was another type of cooling.

Everyone got his money’s worth, even though the tickets were expensive. . We did have great, comfortable seats in row G.
In addition to his outstanding music, Yanni interacted with the audience, reaching out and touching everyone in the first row. Excellent show!
Continuing with music, after breakfast on Saturday, another hot day, we went to Carillon Park to see the Band Organ Rally, another outside event. Arriving early, the heat was not bad. Most exhibits were in the shade.

The Band Organ Rally was a gathering of several dozen antique and newly constructed self-playing mechanical pipe organs. Sizes ranged from small, hand-cranked street organs with 20 pipes about the size of a breadbox, to huge fairgrounds organs, from Germany and the Netherlands, with several hundred pipes each. This was a fun.

But Seriously, Folks

The last political convention is minutes from ending, and I can’t even say we have the capability of choosing between the lesser of two evils. Personally, neither of them is fit to be president. We can vote for four more years of nothing getting accomplished, just more of President Obama. Or choose a businessman, who doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.

I’m all for eliminating political correctness, but there still must be respect. We must restore our values. I don’t see either candidate being able to accomplish that task.

I do believe we need a businessman/woman as president. Our country needs to be fiscally responsible, protect its citizens, educate our young and provide religious freedom to all. Politicians are not capable of doing these tasks.

Now we will be bombarded with all types of political ads, as if there hasn’t already been enough. This whole election process needs to be shortened. Whistle stops across the country are so yesterday.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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