Home OP-ED Small Brings New Approach to Council

Small Brings New Approach to Council

Mr. Small, left, with campaign manager Karlo Silbiger

This is a story about how a Small difference can – and will – make an enormous difference across the next four years.

If you were a busy follower of the City Council and wanted to know whether the hotly argued transfer of authority over Culver City’s first responders was placed on the November ballot at last evening’s Council meeting, you may have glanced and run.

Same backers, same foes as the last vote on July 11.

In the absence of Goran Eriksson, there was a tie vote that qualified the transfer question for the November ballot.

Meghan Sahli-Wells, a strident voice for maintaining the status quo, leaving the Council in charge of the police and fire departments, was joined again by Thomas Small.

Here is where a distinction needs to be drawn.

Mr. Small said that he could see the validity in arguing that City Manager John Nachbar should have power over police and fire as he has over all other City Hall departments.

Traditionally, men and women Council members are hardliners. They are known for their feet planting. Not the kind of conciliatory stance, the open-mindedness that comes so naturally to Mr. Small.
He has navigated widely and negotiated widely.

Both of those qualities, along with an unusually innate sense of fairness, distinguish him in a political circle where feet-planting and hardline convictions come as naturally as breathing.

His even-handedness, his consistently fair-minded stances still are like new clothes to feet-planting Council members.

Mr. Small’s uniquely informed brand of fair play was noted here numerous times during his campaign.

Three months into his term, if Mr. Small’s momentum continues to build, he could stretch his political career well beyond Culver City’s borders – if he wishes.

He is different. He is good. He will be heard from.



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