Home OP-ED Homeless to Multiply?

Homeless to Multiply?

Robert Rosebrock

Fellow Americans, 

This is from an essay by the executive director of a law center serving the homeless that appeared this morning in the Los Angeles Times:

“L.A. has 46,874 people who are homeless. If we’re not smart, we’ll have 250,000 more.”

The scary part is that they are not smart.

Nor are they honest.

VA Secretary McDonald, Bobby Shriver, Ron Olson and entrusted plaintiffs all promised to end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles by the end of 2015.

We remain the nation’s capital for homeless Veterans. All of the illegal occupants still are on VA property.

Stop the crime and corruption at the Los Angeles VA.

“Corruption erodes the public’s trust in our entire system of representative government, said Leslie Caldwell, assistant U.S. attorney general Leslie Caldwell, chief of the Justice Dept.’s Criminal Division

Save Our Veterans’ Land.

Bring Our Homeless Veterans Home.

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com


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