Home News Small, Eriksson Urge Parcel Tax Success

Small, Eriksson Urge Parcel Tax Success

Thomas Small
Thomas Small

Heading into this evening’s meeting, new City Councilman Thomas Small and fellow freshman Goran Eriksson indicated today that they share similar views on the crucialness of a stormwater parcel tax.

“It is hugely important to support the potential parcel tax for the stormwater runoff issue,” Mr. Small said. Most vital “is educating the public about the urgency” of the obligation.

“There are a number of ways we can skin this cat. But we need to make progress on it.

“It is so important for the public to understand the urgency of the urban runoff and stormwater issue. If we do put a parcel tax on the ballot, this is one way of making headway,” Mr. Small said.

Mr. Eriksson
Mr. Eriksson

Mr. Eriksson endorses voting a stormwater parcel tax onto the Nov. 8 ballot to the ballot tonight because “our obligation ($125 million) is so much larger than what we are asking for.

“This is just to get going, to do the absolute basic minimum.”

Mr. Eriksson said he does not expect “that much” resistance tonight from the community. “There are some pushbacks, but I have not heard much so far.”

Mr. Small said that of voters approve the parcel tax in November, “that will help the problem.”

Does Mr. Small anticipate a hefty pushback against a parcel tax?

“The jury still is out,” he said, “on what sort of acceptance we will get, what chance the parcel tax has of passing.

“We have researched it. The public is interested, but I don’t think the urgency is completely understood.”


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