Home OP-ED Who Will You Shrug and Vote for?

Who Will You Shrug and Vote for?

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton — Do we really know which nominees will be on the presidential ballot in November? Unless things change between now and the conventions, we might not know until they are over. Sure Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have the delegates. Republican bigwigs are not behind him and they cannot keep him in line.

Hillary has the support of the Democratic party, but she has Bernie Sanders and his supporters to deal with. Conventions should be interesting unless backroom dealing goes on.

Personally, I don’t like either candidate. I long have felt we needed a business leader in the White House. Mr. Trump does not fit the bill as a businessman. He’s a dealmaker, some good, some bad, many questionable.

We need a leader who can operate a business, handle people, make deals without offending the other party in the negotiations.

The man or woman must be able to talk without offending a race, a nationality, a judge, women of any ethnicity.

We can be upset with many persons. Some can behave poorly but you deal privately with them. You do not degrade an entire people.

Can You Beat This?

Speaking of stupid, how about the Bay Area judge who gave the Stanford swimmer, who happens to be from Dayton, six months for raping a girl after a party. Pure stupidity, but it doesn’t mean all judges are stupid. Would be interesting to know what was going through his mind when he gave that sentence.

In a Related Matter…

Three women are in jail for beating a child to death. Get this: His mother, grandmother and another woman. What a sad situation. I don’t know if you can even call this situation stupidity. Sadistic is more accurate.

Another example of where licensing might have saved a life. We must do something to stop child abuse and death.

The shooting of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo has been all over the news. Sure is a tragic situation, but it was the right call. Yes, the child should have been better supervised. With children, though, things can happen fast. I know from first-hand experiences. Once we were at a park and all of a sudden our son was gone. We panicked. Fortunately he was found quickly, just trying to get something to eat at another shelter.

With summer here, schools are out. Please keep an eye on your children at all times. There were days my mom did not see me all day. I was playing outside, morning to night. Life was different 65 years ago!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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