Home OP-ED Enviro Laws Are the Culprit

Enviro Laws Are the Culprit

George Runner. Photo: scvnews.com

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Runner is a member of the state Board of Equalization.] 

Just a decade ago California’s housing market crashed, resulting in mass foreclosures and dramatic declines in home values. Today, we face a different problem—a severe housing shortage.

There aren’t enough homes. Supply is low, demand is high, and home prices continue to rise. Home prices in California are so high that middle and lower income families are being priced out of home ownership.

The average California home price of $450,000 is twice the national average.

To meet the demand for housing and to make homes more affordable, California developers would have to build millions of new homes—a million in Los Angeles alone—just to keep up. It will be hard to keep up if California’s ultra-strict environmental regulations continue to get in the way.

There is little incentive for builders to build homes, since excessive regulation has made it so expensive. To build a home, one must navigate a labyrinth of bureaucracy and follow a layer cake of rules. Builders are forced to price their homes higher, which reduces the number of buyers able to afford the finished product.

There are even reports of doctors earning $250,000 a year, struggling to find homes in the Bay Area. That doesn’t bode well for Californians who earn less.

Those who have already purchased a home are in a good shape. Home prices will likely continue to see incremental gains. My guess is you have friends and family who would like to own a home someday. If they have yet to purchase a home or are looking to rent, they may find themselves priced out of the market.

Mere Band-aids

Liberal state lawmakers attempting to address the issue have only come with temporary solutions to the “affordability problem.” So far, what has been suggested is for the state to heavily subsidize a few low-income housing programs. These policies are out of touch with reality. They limit housing choices, stifle opportunities and are a waste of taxpayer money.

The real solution is to remove unreasonable restrictions on building homes, while keeping in mind lessons learned from past housing crises.

California burdens home builders by placing roadblocks in the form of stifling environmental regulation. The Legislature had no problem skirting the California Environmental Quality Act to move forward with a stadium complex in Los Angeles back in 2009. Right now people need homes more than they need a new place to watch a football game.

If the environment is really a priority, lawmakers should review a report from the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office on the high cost of housing. The study found that Californians who live near the coast are often forced to commute 10 percent further due to their inability to afford a place to live in a city such as San Francisco.

That is a lot of extra carbon coming from a lot of extra cars on the road.

California’s affordable housing woes are just another example of the government being involved where it doesn’t belong, and absent where it’s actually needed. If the state doesn’t ease restrictions on builders to increase the housing supply, or create a plan that involves more than subsidized low-income developments, then rents and home prices will only continue to increase.

That is bad for all Californians.

Mr. Runner represents more than nine million Californian. He may be contacted at www.boe.ca.gov/Runner.


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