Home OP-ED On a Clear Day, I Hope

On a Clear Day, I Hope

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton — After a couple hours at work last Thursday, I was off to the eye doctor for a follow-up visit. He said my sight is progressing/improving, although I still experience a cloud occasionally.

He said this eventually will go away.

In the afternoon, Pauline and I headed to Cincinnati, first to drop off religious items, belonging to her late brother, at the Glenmary Mission headquarters. Then it was on to our granddaughter Madi’s concert.

Leaving the mission office, we went next door, yes, next door, to Hooters. Pauline had delicious chicken wings. I enjoyed a hamburger and the scenery.

Our son Bill told us to arrive early for the concert early. When he called to see if we were coming, we were in the parking lot. He was surprised. The concert was outstanding. Madi had a solo part, and she did a great job. Being early brought us end seats in the third row. The first row was reserved.

On Kentucky Derby Day last Saturday, after running hours of errands, we were off to Miami Valley Gaming to watch the Derby. The owner of the Derby favorite said, “I wouldn’t bet on the horse.” So we didn’t. Should have!

After the race we played a couple slot machines, had a sandwich, and ended the evening with Pauline winning $28.50, which is about the amount I lost. At least we stayed inside our $20 limit

Mother’s Day found us in Piqua for church, breakfast with my sisters, brother, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. We were also joined by my brother’s two sons and daughter-in-law. Good food and fellowship.

Wednesday we were back in Piqua for a meeting with my brother-in-law’s attorney. Long day. We stopped for lunch, purchased flowers, which we were unable to do on Saturday, returned to the house for keys and headed to West Milton to close Joe’s safe deposit box.

Next was a credit union stop, a disaster. Will need to return another day to see if we can find a competent person to handle the transaction.

In the evening we were at the Dayton Dragons game. They lost again.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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