Home OP-ED Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

Homeless man in Los Angeles Photo by Terabass (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons

You always can tell when Mark Ridley-Thomas is bored by his soft What Am I Going to Do All Day? schedule.

Harrumph, he gargles. Finally, someone notices.

Drawn like a Walmart magnet to the nearest nest of microphones, the County Supervisor frames an announcement for his most naïve audience – children.

Sounding like a circus performer who has strayed perilously far from the Big Tent, Mr. Ridley-Thomas says that County homelessness – 91,000 – has gotten out of hand. All of us suckers need to hand MRT even more millions than he already secrets in his coffers so he can take a lavishly deep bow for being the liberal political lifer who killed homelessness.

If the droolingly greedy Supey can deceive us into emptying our wallets into his overweight pocket, he will not have to kill any of his embarrassing welfare programs for the County’s gaping work-allergic communities.

The reeklingly naïve nearby fairy tale that a staffer wrote for him and was posted by the Huffington Post sounds like Dr. Seuss on drugs.

MRT has retained elective office throughout his adult life by counting on supportive fellow lefties noticing that periodically he grabs a megaphone and spouts nonsense about how he is going to save the world by Monday. Busy voters only notice that he is blathering again. They interpret that to mean he is earning his bloated salary and his generous expense tab.

Bulletin: Mr. Ridley-Thomas will not end Los Angeles homelessness in your lifetime, mine or his or all three rolled together. He knows it. You know it. I know. And the wily Mr. Ridley-Thomas extends his game-playing one more day.

How serious is this very bright man who loves to laugh?

Read the line below, and you will see the question is rhetorical:

USC just launched an initiative to corral the experience and knowledge on its campus and within the community to provide tangible solutions within four years.

Thus in 2020, when we all will possess flawless vision, homelessness will crawl into a coffin and die. Fight.


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