Home OP-ED Goodbye to Father Joe

Goodbye to Father Joe

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton – Rough week. Pauline and I were back in our hometown of Piqua last Thursday for another meeting with the funeral director and to finalize arrangements for the funeral of Father Joe, my brother-in-law. Further, a significant error in the obituary that appeared in today’s newspaper needed to be corrected.

On Friday, the funeral director called. He was unable to dress Joe in the vestments that he had set aside years ago for his funeral. Since we didn’t have any substitute — Joe already had donated them to a mission – the funeral director telephoned Father Tom, the local priest, who resolved our sticky problem.

On Saturday our son Jon and I went over to Walnut Creek and cleaned out Joe’s room. Pauline joined us to see that we did it right. She wanted to make sure we only brought home what was necessary. In the afternoon our daughter Darlene and her son, Ryan arrived from Michigan.

Sunday we had to be at the funeral home by 12:15. We went to early mass and then breakfast. We still arrived ahead of schedule. I did take a quick peek at Joe. He looked great, so peaceful. We drove to the cemetery, but nothing had been done at the gravesite.

Visitation at the funeral home was from 2 to 6, a long afternoon. A steady crowd, but never was there a line. We wanted a shorter visitation, but it was out of our hands. We heard many good things about Joe. A good priest, he served well in his many assignments throughout the Archdioceses of Cincinnati.

Monday, there was visitation again, from 11 to 12:45. His funeral mass began at 1. The Archbishop celebrated the mass. Joe’s classmates and 40 other priests were present. A very impressive service. Joe would have approved.

Afterward, ladies of the church provided a great meal, fittingly well attended.

Otherwise, life slowly is returning to normal, whatever that is! Next week we have a meeting with Joe’s attorney. Because of co-executors, already there is a problem to be resolved.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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