Home OP-ED A Death in the Family

A Death in the Family

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton — A week ago, Pauline, our granddaughter Heather and I went just down the street to Sea Jax for supper.

Even before we had our food, Pauline received a call from Walnut Creek. Her brother was not doing well. He did not want to return to the hospital and was requesting a priest be called. Once we had finished eating we were on our way to Walnut Creek.

The nurse met us, explained the situation. Joe agreed that hospice should be called, which the nurse took care of, and I called the priest. Both priests from the local parish came. Joe was administered the last rites of the church. After they left, the nurse came and told us that hospice would arrive at 10 on Thursday morning.

Since I had an eye doctor appointment, which went very well, Pauline and Heather attended the hospice meeting on Thursday morning. Joe appeared to be doing better. Pauline took care of all the paperwork for hospice care.

In the afternoon I had to attend my third diabetic class, which consisted of three people. I am doing well also in that regard. I have lost weight, which made the instructor happy.

Friday, the nurse from hospice met with Joe. All agreed that he should be moved back to his apartment on the assisted living side of Walnut Creek, where he would be more comfortable. The move took place on Saturday.

Time Out for Sports

Saturday, the three of us attended our granddaughter Madison’s soccer match. Our side won. Afterward we had afternoon tickets to see the Blue Man Group. We were late. We saw enough to agree, that it wasn’t our type of entertainment.

Following the show we joined our friends, who we were suppose to meet prior to the show starting, for an early supper.

Sunday there was church, followed by breakfast and then the three of us went over to see Joe, only to find him in the dining room having brunch. Since we didn’t want to interrupt his meal, we left. At 4 we were back at the soccer field, this time for Julia’s game, which ended in a tie. Then on to Marion’s for pizza, a must on Heather’s visit.

Monday, Heather left, returning to Michigan and Pauline went to visit Joe. He requested that on Tuesday she bring his funeral information, for him to review. Monday night I got all his information out. Pauline and I looked it over, so she had an idea of what would be discussed the next day.

Tuesday morning I was up at my normal time, about five. The phone rang at 5:15. It was for Pauline. I knew something was wrong. It was the hospice nurse informing her that he brother had died.

We immediately got dressed and headed over to Walnut Creek, where were met by Mandy, the Hospice nurse. She informed us that she was called at 4:45, arrived at 5:15 and he was dead upon her arrival. She took care of calling the funeral home, and we stayed until the removed the body.

Tuesday afternoon we were at the funeral home making all the arrangements for Joe’s funeral, which will be held on Monday.

Today we will be back in Piqua for another meeting at the funeral home and then a meeting at church. A priest’s funeral is complicated.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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