Home OP-ED Pay All $1,000 Hourly

Pay All $1,000 Hourly

Sen. Jackson

Part II of this afternoon’s theme ordered by racist Democrats:

Whites, browns and blacks are commanded to behave alike, dress alike, drink alike, carouse alike, shoot each other alike.

If not, California Democrats will burn you at the Salisbury Steak.

Who says so? Two of Sacramento’s most parthetic racist whores – the redoubtable Sen. Izzy Hall Monitor of Compton and the equally indubious but almost fatally dull Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson of Santa Barbara.

Truth died a thousand deaths as H-Beth and Izzy Baby staged their clown act.

Both of these would-be comic book scholars are said to be work-allergic.

H-Beth and Izzy Baby, circus rejects, have placed their reliably icy, angry fingers – they are Democrats — around the necks of California employers.

H-Beth has been celebrating a newest Big Brother Knows Best law that requires equal pay for all workers, regardless of gender.

Which is bad enough.

Along came Izzy Baby whistling a happy tune, I Am a Victim and Ain’t It Fun.

Izzy knows best, he insisted.

As a loyal racist Dem, Izzy said the gender-equality line should be fattened – in deference to H-Beth, he may have said widened – to include “race and ethnicity.”

Izzy Baby, who thought work was spelled “werk,” said, with a double bow to syntax and grammar:

“No one should be paid less than what they’re worth.”

Wow, Daddy, buy one for me.

H-Beth put down her pom-pons, hitched at her cheerfollower skirt and said:

“The goal is to get to a place where we are all paid fairly for our work,” she growled.

Whereupon a brave normal person (Republican) stepped forward. He handed her two pennies. She wheeled and wobbled away.


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