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Shortest Route to Liking Each Other

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

Since Valentine’s Day came and went, I wonder if you are in the relationship you want? Or is your relationship causing problems?

Relationships are tricky. Hypnosis help people who are not getting the kind of relationships they are looking for.

As in nature, opposites attract. Because we are animals, we are bound by this law. For verification, place two magnets together. Watch them repel each other. When you put a plus and a minus magnet together, they stick.

People commonly like a person because he/she has many similarities to the speaker.

Sameness can destroy a relationship.  A couple becomes bored constantly doing the same outings activities.

A person who is your opposite will create the most lasting relationship.

My wife and I have been together 21 years, dating for two, married for 19. I assure you we are opposites. On vacation, she likes to explore. I lie in the sun and read a book. She prefers love stories. Action movies engage me. She likes to be out and about. I choose home.

As for our behaviors, I used a questionnaire from the book  “Relationship Strategies: The Emotional and Physical,” by John Kappas, Ph.D.  We are opposite to the same percentage. I am 52 percent Emotional. She is 52 percent Physical.

What does this mean?

Physical is more emotional than the Emotional. Physicals like to be touched and hugged. They want to be the attention center. Consistently helpful, they do for others. Putting themselves second, they live through their bodies, the sensations they get from their bodies. Their priorities always are family first, activities involving others are second and work is third. However, just because it is last does not mean they dislike work. If a family member has an issue, Physicals  will take the day off to help them.

Not Like Me

Emotionals are the opposite of what emotional means. Calm, detached, they dress conservatively, covering their bodies because they tend to be self-protective. That is why their hands and feet often are cold. Blood constantly rushes to their internal organs to protect them. This is what happens to a self- protective. They experience their lives mentally. They are not keen about hugging.

They sit quietly at parties and observe. Work, individual activities and family are their top three priorities.

Emotionals do not want to be in the spotlight. If asked, they will agree, though, because work is their priority. They will do anything to survive at work.

Although opposites, Physicals and Emotionals can enjoy excellent relationships.

My wife and I are part of the 50-person National In Choir. Every December we sing at various places each weekend before Christmas. We go to the Motion Picture Retirement Home in Woodland Hills, Juvenile Hall, the Downtown Mission, and Children’s Hospital spreading Christmas cheer.

One day we had been caroling from 9 to 7 when we stopped for dinner.

Arriving home at 8:30, my wife looked at me apologetically. She had forgotten to tell me about a tree-trimming party. We were to be there in 30 minutes.  I said I was done. I did not want to go.

In most relationships, a fight would ensue.

We avoided it because she said, “I can see you are being an Emotional tonight.” I agreed. “I am feeling physical,” she said. “See you later.”

No arguing. Just an understanding of our differences.

When you understand the differences in behaviors between you and your partner – and you include unconditional love — you have the basis for a great relationship.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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