Home OP-ED Small Is Called Out

Small Is Called Out

Photo: Konrad Summers at Flickr. Creative Commons License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) Modified from original: cropping and colour correction

After the story “No Small Problem Facing Culver City” was posted this morning, the following message arrived from a political operative who is not involved in any of the seven campaigns for City Council in the April 12 election:

I don’t want to be the one to call Thomas Small’s campaign literature into question, but today’s story about him should be corrected.

  • Of the 10 development projects on Mr. Small’s map, four are not in Culver City.  Most people don’t know that. As a candidate, Mr. Small should.
  • Harlow Culver City, WEWork Jefferson, Samitaur (W)rapper and Cumulus are all in Los Angeles. And Harlow has finished and leasing already anyway.

Of the remaining six, four either already are under construction/finished construction/completely through the planning process and beyond any effect he could have if elected (Platform, Parcel B, Culver Studios, Ivy Station).

Theoretically, the City Council has some say over the 8777 and Access projects.

Just saying.  In case someone objects, these are the facts.


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