Home OP-ED Making Beautiful Music Within You

Making Beautiful Music Within You

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

An aging rock musician came to see me with heart palpitations, rapid breathing, sweating severe anxiety. Desperate for help, he was suffering a severe panic attack. He had been experiencing them for years. Growing older, they turned more severe, more frequent.

His medical doctors are giving him medications for his high blood pressure. They told him when he feels a panic attack or anxiety coming on, he should take another prescribed drug, Ativan, a relaxant.

Ativan used to work. Now he must take more and more to reduce his anxiety. Further, Ativan altered his personality. He turned less patient and was more easily angered. He wanted to rid himself of anxiety and eliminate mind- and mood-altering drugs.

A survey showed there were two groups of people with constant pain and anxiety attacks — one was to continue medications, the other was to stop medications and to try hypnosis. After two years, those continuing with pain medication had doubled their dosage and still were in severe pain. Those who had tried hypnosis were 100 percent drug free, pain and anxiety free.

I found out from my musician client that he has had a lifetime of constant travel, alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately, his diet was poor. He could afford to eat properly. But constantly on the road, he would consume comfort foods — pizza, pasta, cookies. Constant time zone changes affected him, too.

Terminal travel, drinking, drugs, a carbohydrate-rich diet — his anxiety was sure to remain.

After a few sessions, though, including paying attention to severely reducing his carbohydrate intake and starting a protein-heavy diet, things began to change.

Uncomplicated Cures

He stopped Ativan.

Panic attacks disappeared.

My program was a simple.

First, we ensured a constant, normal level of sugar in the bloodstream. When the brain cannot find the sugar it needs, it creates it by sparking a perceived fear – a false experience appearing real. This ignites an adrenaline rush. The adrenaline changes to Cortizol, then sugar. Now the brain has what it needs. Anxiety dissipates. If you do not eat, though, the attack comes back in 40 minutes.

When he had eaten, he was breathing from his higher functioning self. When he did not, he descended into a primitive fight or flight. This means he was not acting from his higher self but from his  primitive emotion. If we combine the low blood sugar plus the constantly changing times zones, he was a candidate for what was happening.

I asked him to try a few ideas. The most important: A protein-accented diet and to minimize his carbohydrate intake for 21 days.

Eat small amounts of protein every two hours. Forego alcohol. , which he did. Within 72 hours, he was better. Within six sessions over nine weeks, his anxiety had been resolved.

The diet created the stable blood sugar levels he needed. After the brain realized that it was receiving the constant nutrition it needed (carbohydrates break down to sugar rapidly whereas protein breaks down to sugar far more slowly), it began to calm down considerably.

Hypnosis worked within the subconscious. The new image of eating protein and no longer experiencing anxiety became strong. He recognizes the importance of protein. Time changes no longer affect him.

We added one more element: He no longer would lie in bed. He would get up and walk for 30 minutes. He would not give them up for anything.

Whether you are an aging rock musician or a young student, hypnosis, protein and exercise can help anyone rid himself of anxiety and stress.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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