Home OP-ED Proof of Dr. King’s Greatness

Proof of Dr. King’s Greatness

Dr. King

If you did not read Sylvia Moore’s elegantly etched tribute to President Obama as he enters his final year in office, it is here (“Obama’s Historic Moment Flew by”).

You only need digest Ms. Moore’s first sentence to understand the old-fashioned cultural pride she takes in his election, the most ant man can be chosen: Twenty-sixteen marks our President Obama’s last year in office.

I never heard anyone say “our President Bush,” “our President Clinton,” not even “our President Lincoln.”

The glistening cultural pride Ms. Moore displayed is beautiful.

The balance of this essay will be a commercial for the man who made “our President Obama” possible, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Senior Center will mark Dr. King’s birthday tomorrow starting at 11 with an afternoon-long program. The rest of America celebrates Dr. King’s 89th birthday on Monday.

Despite bellowing cries from liberals that America has re-descended into a racist country and that white privilege is the coin of the realm, the precise opposite is true.

It is fair to assert that all blacks and most whites – 80 to 90 percent – regard Dr. King as a great figure because of his unprecedented accomplishments in race, culture and social relations.

Chief among his array of singular, golden achievements was changing the minds of most Americans about race – that we truly are equal, equally worthy, and we will succeed if we work hard.

Here is a most persuasive argument about the lofty regard in which most Americans do – and all Americans should — hold Dr. King and his sui generis accomplishments:

Dr. King’s birthday is a national holiday when all government workers and many others are given the day off.

Americans work on Lincoln’s birthday.

Americans work on Washington’s birthday.

Americans don’t even know FDR’s birthday, and many regard him as the greatest president.


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