Home OP-ED One Benefit of Talking to Yourself

One Benefit of Talking to Yourself

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

Talking to yourself can create depression or success. How you talk to yourself is the determining factor. You are what you allow yourself to be.

Growing up, we were affected by our environment as well as family and friends. By age 12, our behavior is set.

You conduct yourself today the way you did at 12, albeit your decisions are more complicated, more adult-like.

As we developed, we gained life experiences. Each is permanently stored within your subconscious, which catalogues and remembers everything birth. When you feel a certain way, your subconscious gives you the behaviors you have taught it. and as a result you get the behaviors you get. The behaviors you want is a separate issue.

Once you understand how you became the person you are, you may utilize hypnosis and develop ideas for the kind of person you want to be.

The Way Growing up Works

As a baby, you cried and your mother rushed to your side. When your father came home, your mother did not dash nearly as fast. The baby believed mother loved what father was doing more than what he is.  Therefore the baby tried to emulate the father to gain more of mother’s affections.

This behavior was carried on until the behavior patterns became permanent.

Negative samples of such a scene abound.

If a child grows up seeing his father beat his mother or drink to excess, he will copy these behaviors in his later life.

There always will be exceptions to these generalities.

What if a child did not have a father who adopt the behaviors of the most dominant male in his life.

Allow yourself to change those negatives.

You can learn  new behaviors and by following three guides:

  • Envision the behavior you desire. If you foresee yourself returning home fatigued, you will be. If you desire walking energetically through the door, you shortly will be.
  • Eliminate the phrase “have to.” Change it to “want to.”  “Have to” is a chore, “want to” a desire. “I have to go to work” or “I want to go to work”? Easy call.
  • Once you determine the changes you seek, squeeze your thumb and the second finger on your left hand every time you feel the urge to revert to an old habit. Say: “I choose to no longer do (the negative way). Instead, I choose (the opposite). Smile. Sigh. You are letting your subconscious know the old behavior was wrong. Smiling and sighing tell your subconscious you know what is appropriate.

We may formerly have been victims of learned behavior. We changed once we determined the behavior we desired,

Hypnosis is a perfect adjunct for changing behaviors.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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