Home OP-ED Legislators Have a Good Excuse

Legislators Have a Good Excuse


Who is surprised that fewer than 50 percent of liberal members can spell “l-e-g-i-s-l-a-t-u-r-e” fairly closely when given two tries?

The number of members of the extremely low-brow state Legislature who see themselves or their circle as victims is north of 92 percent.

No wonder the embarrassing list of new laws for this year resembles an agenda of demands drawn up by a collection of homeless alcoholic boys and girls or easily offended college boys and girls.

All of the serious legislators in Sacramento will fit into the front seat of your car.

As you know, we have 807 new laws because the low-brow boys could not define, develop or spell raison d’etre.

Many of the pull-toy laws are aimed at self-ordained victims, whose numbers dwarf those of  valid victims.

There are reasons liberals monopolize the Obama-inspired  welfare lists.

Ever met a conservative on welfare? Neither have I.

In the era of a silly president and a child-like governor, unhinged liberal racists in the state Legislature can operate at will. Two liberals said they had not yet drawn up theirs.

Here is a selection of foolishness spawned by low-brow Sacramento liberals after their babysitters went home:

  • High schools that mandate health courses must – don’t you love it? – teach ways to prevent sexual violence. Violence is a biggie in the liberal world. Schools must emphasize that both parties have to consent to sexual relations. God save what passes for California “education.”
  • Schools may not build signage that carries the name “Redskins” or “savages” or “semi-honest Injuns” or “heap big squaws.” They must phase out use of any of those labels (publicly and privately) as team nicknames by next Jan. 1. Gotcha, kimosabee.
  • Sacramento will blow $40 million on healthcare for kids 19 and under who are here illegally.
  • Illegal aliens no longer will be described in the state labor code as illegal aliens. Temporarily they will be known as Nothings. Legislative liberals said they will spend this year thinking up a new phony euphemism in time for the ’17 list.

The state must make sure future history books note the deportation of 1 million Mexican illegal aliens in the 1930s – and that only one was named Trump.


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