Home OP-ED For Obama, Passivity Is a Virtue

For Obama, Passivity Is a Virtue

President Obama

Can anyone out there in Newspaperland characterize the distinctions in President Obama’s demeanor when he is asleep and when he (reportedly) is awake?

When he was running for the White House eight years ago, his alarming passivity was characterized by the race-based media as his version of cool.

So is anice cream cone. Ice cream and his stunted passivity are strikingly similar. Matchingly useless.

A hundred and thirty people are slaughtered by his radical Islamic terrorist pals in Paris. Like a crazy uncle locked away in the attic, Baracky emerges and babbles about climate change as the cause. Give this man a hand. Help him limp back to his catafalque.

The cheapest small-time politicians pack more sophistication than Barack, who has taken, pointedly, to traveling without Michelle.

His fault but not his idea.

He is flying solo because Mad Michelle told him his passivity is debilitating to their already swiftly deteriorating relationship. If they stay together 60 seconds after he mercifully leaves the White House, friends will be stunned.

They get along as well as Barack does with Republicans, whom he detests far more than Islamic radicals.

Remember what his part-time paramour, Valerie Jarrett, said several years ago: His mind is so uniquely brilliant that presidential tasks bore him.

So little is going on above this man’s shoulders that when the racist boys and girls at the University of Missouri toppled their president and chancellor, President Obama congratulated the yahoos.

Now there is a man with his pants on upside down.

His pathologies will prevent an honest biography or a true account of his White House years from being written until after he is dead. If anyone can tell when that happens.

He is the least educated president since the 19th century.

His shocking lack of worldly awareness, his gaping deficiency of governing knowledge would shame a student of 10.

Peering into cameras with a frozen, passionless expression, Mr. Obama, sounding like an experimental Wal-Mart robot, “We have mobilized 65 countries to go after ISIL.”

Pressed to identify one, the president talked about a game he had seen on ESPN.


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