Home OP-ED Letting a Nasty Habit Eat You up

Letting a Nasty Habit Eat You up


A new client told me she has been nagged by a problem since college — at night she binges/purges on sugary foods.

Gaining weight makes her unhappier than normal. Even while doing it, she wants to stop but she can’t.

When dating, she would not binge/purge. It was before she knew and after she broke up with her boyfriend that she did it. A boredom issue, obviously.

Hypnosis is a perfect remedy.

We develop into the person we are between birth and age 12. Our behaviors are locked in by 12 — for good or for bad.

If you are skeptical, look at how you make decisions, the way you did when you were 12. Admittedly contemporary decisions are more complicated.

If we do not like who we are, where we are in life socially and at work, we only have ourselves to blame. Everyone is a product of where and how he was raised.

Add to this that the subconscious is like a computer hard drive. Whatever you put in it stays. You teach your subconscious how to deal with all situations. If someone extends  his hand to shake yours, you will automatically respond. You would be reacting to what is stored in your subconscious.

Check yourself. You do so much by rote daily.  Shower, drive, eat.

If you doubt, try putting your wristwatch on the other wrist. It will take awhile before you stop looking at the old wrist.

For my new client, she picked up her binge/purge behavior somewhere along the way, when she was away from home, insecure and, to a degree, bored. She started emotional eating, advancing to how much more she could eat if she threw up and started over.

She felt overweight by 20 pounds, sparking her negative self-assessment. This spirals into concern for being overweight, which cycles into binge/purge.

Hypnosis corrected her behaviors, halting binging, purging, and emotional eating. Hypnotic intervention presented her subconscious with a new image of herself. Now 20 pounds lighter and exercising regularly, she was eating healthy foods at regular meal times.

For anyone who wants to look and feel better, hypnosis is the answer.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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