Home OP-ED This Will Kill You, and That Is Wrong

This Will Kill You, and That Is Wrong

Photo: Linnaea Mallette / publicdomainpictures.net

Dateline Dayton – After the deplorable events in Paris last week, I wonder how can persons just go around killing crowds(!) of innocent people?

Terrorist attacks are not only a problem for France, as evidenced by the bombing of the Russian airline and mass tragedies others have suffered.  This world problem is going to be resolved only if all countries work together.

We must first put God back into our lives and not keep excluding Him because of political correctness.  We are letting a small minority keep God from helping us. This must stop.  Secondly, we must start valuing human life, from inception to the grave.  We kill babies on a daily basis, and we don’t believe we are doing wrong.

Maybe terrorists are not killing the babies  but the mentality is similar: Human life does not matter.

I have not been on my soap box for awhile. Every day we hear of a child being shot, abused, murdered.

What can we do? Education is the key. This starts with licensing parents and caregivers.

Not again, you say?

The only way to solve child abuse is to teach prospective parents and caregivers, how to care for a child. That means earning a license, just as you need to be licensed to drive a car.

At its core, the current generation has not been taught or witnessed examples by their parents. This must change. We need to instill a new set of values in our society.

Will This Register?

On a lighter note, I was in Chicago last week for the semi-annual meeting/swap meet of the Cash Register Collectors Club.  We had a great time visiting with fellow collectors, even though the weather was not co-operative.  Fortunately, the swap meet was indoors, at the Kane County Fairgrounds. A great facility, perfect for our event.

We joined the advertising group also having a swap meet there. The coin-op group also held their swap meet at the same location, making for a terrific show.  With a little advertising, I believe this could turn into a fabulous event.

After the swap meet and business meeting, my friend Howard and I were on our way home.

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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