Home News Wyant Says Time Is Ripe for Him

Wyant Says Time Is Ripe for Him

Scott Wyant

Technology entrepreneur Scott Wyant, the third and newest candidate to announce for the City Council election in April, this morning identified two reasons this is the right season to make his first run for elected office.

“I have seven more years’ experience with the process of government,” said the second-term Planning Commissioner.

“I also had a severe injury to my leg eight years ago – my left ankle was destroyed — which meant I no longer could play basketball three times a week, or tennis. This meant my evenings were free, and I started paying more attention to city government.”

Officially he will open his campaign three weeks from Sunday, on Dec. 13. The 2 to 5 o’clock event will be hosted by Jim and Diana Solomon at 11020 Lindblade St.

Owner of Scott Wyant Information Systems Analysis and Design since 2004, Mr. Wyant and his wife Leslie have lived in Culver City 26 years and raised their daughter Molly here. Even if he had not been appointed to the Planning Commission, he was linked to both hands’ full of civic groups.

In the aftermath of his 2007 injury – three surgeries and a mechanical ankle – his leg has been rebuilt, but he gets around almost as smoothly as before. “We played full-court a couple hours a day,” he says. “It was important to me at the time.”

However, Mr. Wyant has a new priority.

“The upshot is I can walk neighborhoods now,” he said.

Known in the tech universe as a wonk, Mr. Wyant was asked if he has grown into a wonk on government, too.

He paused.

“I am, but I try not to talk about it that way for all of the people who are not intimately involved with government,” he said, stepping gingerly. “It is important that people who don’t have the time to regularly attend City Council meetings, have the ability to communicate with people in government, and have their questions answered in plain English.”

(To be continued)



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