Home OP-ED Try to be Pro-Protein at the Table

Try to be Pro-Protein at the Table

Images: fawesome.tv

Panic and anxiety. No matter how many times I write about, I still see many clients for anxiety. Eighty percent have become vegetarians, meaning they are not getting enough protein.

The surgeon general recently changed his food priorities.  Last I remember hearing about the American Diet was in 1975 when the emphasis was on reducing fat and increasing carbohydrates. It resulted in more people were becoming anxious.

Now the surgeon general is saying what I have for 25 years: Fat in food is okay. The emphasis needs to be on protein while reducing carbohydrate intake.

I ask a client suffering anxiety what he eats on a daily basis. Typically, such a person is not eating enough during the day and definitely not taking in sufficient protein.

To be alert while functioning from lofty thinking levels it is crucial to consume a small amount of protein every 2 to 2½ hours. This ensure stable blood sugar levels.

Remember, the brain runs on sugar. Carbohydrates rapidly break down to sugar and swiftly burn up.  Persons with a high carb diet operate from a good logical place for 30 minutes after they have eaten.  Then they tire. Their thinking grows raggedy, deteriorating from logical to emotional.

If the brain is not receiving the sugar it needs, it starts to freak out, creating something for you to be scared about.

The feeling is not about anything specific. But the the brain creates a fear (False Experience Appearing Real). You react.

A generalized but quite unsettling feeling. Sometimes it turns extreme — anger, sweating, rapid breathing, accelerated heartbeats, an overpowering feeling of fear.

The brain creates this apparent fear to generating adrenaline. When the brain is not getting what it needs, expect these attacks to start. When the adrenaline reaches the brain, the brain calms down. Now it has what it needs.

Unfortunately the attack will return in 30 minutes if you have not eaten.

If a person eats low protein and high carbs, his blood sugar levels constantly will switch from high to low and back. For one who eats appropriately, his blood sugar remains close to the normal levels.

Keep protein snacks nearby, where you work, you live, you play.

You may become so busy you forget to eat. Take protein powder with you, mix with water and drink it down in the name of stabilizing your blood sugar levels.

Whether a vegetarian or not, protein is the key to stable levels, clear thinking and elimination of your anxiety.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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