Home OP-ED Six Leaders Endorse Team of Burke-McVarish

Six Leaders Endorse Team of Burke-McVarish

From left, City Councilmembers Jim Clarke, Andy Weissman, Jeff Cooper, Anne Burke, Scott McVarish, Board members Kathy Paspalis, Laura Chardiet and Steve Levin

School Board candidates Anne Burke and Scott McVarish announced today that they have received the support of six of the Culver City elected officials who have taken a stand for the Nov. 3 election.

“One of the most critical tasks the School Board is engaged in,” said Board member Kathy Paspalis, “is ensuring that Measure CC bond funds are spent wisely, fairly, and effectively.

“Anne and Scott have done their homework. They understand the need for a school bond. They worked for it from the start. They are well-prepared to handle the complex issues involved.”

City Councilman Jeff Cooper echoed Ms. Paspalis’s confidence. “Anne and Scott have received the support of so many community leaders because they are informed and intelligent. They have proven their commitment to our children and our schools.”

The candidates have earned the support of School Board members Laura Chardiet and Steve Levin, and Councilmen Jim Clarke and Andy Weissman.

“Anne and I are ready to build on our District’s successes,” Mr. McVarish said, “and take our schools to the next level. We bring different and complementary skills, experiences and perspectives to the table. We hope Culver City voters will give us the opportunity to serve.”

Ms. Burke and Mr. McVarish are running for the two open seats.

Mr. McVarish may be contacted at www.ForGreatSchools.org

Ms. Burke may be contacted at www.anneforschoolboard.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/burkemcvarishforschoolboard2015


Ms. Chardiet, campaign manager for Ms. Burke and Mr. McVarish, may be contacted at lchardiet@gmail.com


  1. Please note that Kelly Kent has more organizational endorsements:

    • Culver City Federation of Teachers
    • Los Angeles County Democratic Party
    • National Women’s Political Caucus L.A. Westside
    • Culver City Community Coalition
    • Culver City Democratic Club

    and numerous high level current and past elected officials including:

    • current Culver City Mayor Mehaul O’Leary
    • current CCUSD Board of Education President Nancy Goldberg

    Thank you.


    Culver City Chamber of Commerce
    Culver City Federation of Teachers
    Los Angeles County Democratic Party
    Los Angeles County Federation of Labor
    National Women’s Political Caucus
    United Parents of Culver City (UPCC)
    Kids at the Ask2Know Forum

    School Board Members:
    Laura Chardiet
    Steve Levin
    Kathy Paspalis

    City Council Members:
    Jim Clarke
    Jeff Cooper
    Mehaul O’Leary
    Andy Weissman

    .. and more


    Culver City Chamber of Commerce
    Los Angeles County Federation of Labor
    United Parents of Culver City (UPCC)
    Kids at the Ask2Know Forum

    School Board Members:

    Steve Levin
    Laura Chardiet
    Kathy Paspalis

    Culver City Council:

    Jim Clarke
    Jeff Cooper
    Andy Weissman

    Former CCUSD School Board Member Steve Gourley

    … and more


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