Home OP-ED Strategy for Resolving a Lifetime Problem

Strategy for Resolving a Lifetime Problem


A 64-year-old retired gentleman told me that as a child, his parents were constantly arguing. It affected him so profoundly that he still suffers pain all over his body, constant panic, anxiety and fear.

It was obvious his problems stemmed from childhood.

He has been to every medical doctor he could find. All told him they cannot find any physical cause for his physical ailments. Last week a young doctor diagnosed him with an anxiety disorder, put him on Prozac and told him he will feel better in 30 days.

I don’t think that the diagnosis or the Prozac will help.

This gentleman lives a long way from me, so our sessions are conducted via Skype. During our first history gathering session he said the symptoms have been with him all of his life.

Solution Time

I went straight to his blood sugar levels. Although his diet was reasonably good he needed more protein to eliminate fluctuating blood sugar levels.

The bottom line for this client was that he grew up in an environment that left him feeling insecure. He lived in fear while his parents were arguing, never knowing if he was going to have a home with parents or not. They never divorced but never made peace. His parents did not divorce but never made peace, either.

We all learn to be the people we are between birth and the age of 13. By 13, our personalities are set. We are today as we were at 13.  Obviously the situations are more complex. But we deal with them as we did at 13.

Remember: Of the brain power we have available, we use only 5 percent. Of that 5 percent, 10 percent is our conscious mind, 90 percent our subconscious.

This client has tried unsuccessfully for years to change. That is because 10 percent is trying to change 90 percent. This is where hypnosis is effective. Hypnosis goes directly to the subconscious and offers new behaviors to old habit patterns. Constant reinforcement of the new behaviors will create the changes this client wants.

In this client’s case, what solidified my diagnosis was the fact that after his first session he said that he felt relaxed and pain free. It lasted for 48 hours — until he had to visit his mother. As he drove there, the closer he came to her home, the sharper his anxiety became.  He was disappointed because for the first time in years he had felt significantly relieved – before the visit.

During our next session, I explained that his subconscious had given him the negative behaviors, caused by his upbringing.

He had unknowingly programmed his subconscious. Given time, the hypnosis would help him to change those negative  behaviors.

Remember, the subconscious never decide what is bad, good, wrong, right.  The 10 percent conscious does.

Using hypnosis and offering scenarios to the subconscious, he no longer suffers any negatives.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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