Home OP-ED Getting Too Late to Stuff Trump in a Box?

Getting Too Late to Stuff Trump in a Box?

Jorge Ramos, being escorted out of view by security. Photo: ABC News

What do you make of the latest Don Trump triumph?

His tidy brushoff of a left-wing crusading runt reporter from Univision, whose classy putdown by Mr. Trump was artificially interpreted by television liberals as one more GOP insult of Hispanics?

The runt, one Jorge Ramos, began badgering Mr. Trump at a press conference after the candidate after the candidate called on a serious reporter to pose a question. Mr. Trump had the runt escorted from the room to teach him a small lesson, although he later allowed him back in.

Victim-seeking liberals bobbed up on television screens and YouTube last night, crying, artfully, that Hispanics had been mistreated once more by those darned white Republicans.

How important was this non-event?

The geniuses at CNN, who had long planned an Anderson Cooper 10th anniversary Katrina special, postponed it until tonight because they had to perpetuate the monster they helped creatre.

How long can a phenomenon – born as a liberal practical joke –  be regarded as a featherweight outlier? MSNBC, CNN and the over-the-air networks thought they were throwing a lemon meringue pie in the faces of Republicans last spring when they began fanatically covering the putative fairy tale presidential campaign of one of history’s unlikeliest candidates.

As liberals usually are, these leftists were deadly wrong. The Trump joke was supposed to be over in a few days, and now the joke is on these lightweight champions of the world?

What are they going to do about stuffing Mr. Trump back into a safe deposit box?

What are we going to do if Mr. Trump keeps streaking, if he keeps widening his appeal, or, heaven forfend, if he is nominated and then…

As my former sister-in-law said when I rang the doorbell at the family home the first time: “Mama, there’s a freak at the door.”


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