Home OP-ED Boy Who Asked to Come Home

Boy Who Asked to Come Home

Keith Johnson

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Johnson is founder of the Southern California Falcons Youth Football program.] 

Re: “A Second Chance for Gallant Boys Who Are Capitalizing on It” 

Good Morning All,

I want to share a short story with you.

On Sunday afternoon I had one of those conversations that makes me shake my head, shed many tears and rips my heart out.

I had a conversation with a mother who was in our program a few years ago. She left.

Like many parents in other programs, her decision was to follow a coach to a different team.

She changed despite the fact that while her son was in our program, we helped stabilize his behavior and to excel in school.

The mother asked what she needed to do to return.

You see, her son has been on a steady decline since leaving our program/team.

He failed every class in middle school last year.

She stated he always is angry, and he hangs with the wrong crowd.

I could hear overwhelming fear and desperation in her voice.

I asked to speak with my former player. We talked about private matters. I asked why he wanted to come back to the Falcons.

His answer made my heart drop. “Because I know I am loved there,” he said.

To every person who has supported our mission to serve our “babies,” this is why we do what we do.

Every child has a right to be loved.

Mr. Johnson, of the Southern California Falcons, may be contacted at www.fyfs.org.


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