Home OP-ED A Sure Way to Heal (Fast) from Burns

A Sure Way to Heal (Fast) from Burns

Photo: Tammy Sue / publicdomainpictures.net

My cousin in England is hospitalized with severe burns down the left side of his body, forearms, neck and face. He will be there for two weeks with the prospect of several skin graft operations and a long, painful recovery.

His major concern, as with most burn patients, is intense, unrelenting pain. As the burns heal, the pain may become worse.

He is proud to say that he is taking nothing more than extra strength Tylenol every four hours. That is all he needs. Strongminded, he just deals with it.

Neither of us wallows in negativity, bewailing our fate. We focus on what we can do and attempt to build on that every day until we are back to our old selves.

Most doctors say, and I agree, that it is important when faced with a long recovery to have the most optimistic attitude. Positivity improves the speed of your recovery.

I have written many times about the positive healing effects of hypnotherapy. My cousin is looking forward to Skype hypnotherapy sessions with me. Benefits include quicker healing, less blood loss, less pain, less infection. Hypnotherapy helps create an inner calm.

The better your attitude, the better you will be. A good friend was hospitalized six months ago after he had fallen and cracked his tailbone. In extreme pain, he ended up in a long term recovery facility.

He was home a month quicker than most others with a similar injury. Doctors attributed his recovery to positivity and determination. He said no point in being depressed. That would not help.

Pain medications had helped but that the self hypnosis that I had taught him helped more than anything, he said.  He relaxed and released some of the pain..

As with my friend and my cousin, pain control tips helped them. They agree pain meds have their place but hypnosis can do much better much more quickly.

In the past I have mentioned that in a study patients were given pain meds or hypnosis. The patients that took the pain meds still were in pain two years later.. Those using hypnosis were not taking any pain meds, and their pain levels reduced 90 percent. som

A positive attitude, a strong desire to be better quickly, use of self hypnosis and the self hypnosis pain control techniques will help you to gain the changes you want.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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