Home OP-ED Remember the Way It Was?

Remember the Way It Was?


Dateline Dayton – It has been some time since I have stood on my soapbox. A few thoughts on current events.

In my younger days, we were taught to respect authority. Police were here to protect us, and arrest us when we did something against the law. We were taught to listen and to learn from our teachers. They were our parents while we were in school. If we were disciplined in school, we received another round when we got home.

If we got into trouble with the police, our parents were on the side of the police. The police were not the enemy. The same was true for our teachers. They also were supported by our parents. Today it appears that our youth are being taught that both the police and teachers are their enemies and should not be obeyed.

There would be fewer police shootings if people only would obey them. If you are ordered to stop, do it. If they ask you to put down your gun, real or not, you put it down, or risk being shot. Today the police always appear to be made out the bad guy, when they are only trying to do their jobs.

Don’t get me wrong. There are bad cops, poor teachers, problematic ministers, lousy business owners and heaven help me, bad newspaper editors. But all these professions have many dedicated, law-abiding individuals serving the public.

It would be interesting to learn what really took place at the pool party in Texas a few days ago. Why were police summoned? Did the officer overreact? Probably. But I can’t judge.

Every day you hear about children being abused, shot or killed by someone who should be protecting them. Children have become a commodity that can be mistreated and then disposed of. This situation only will change with education.

I am still suggesting that to have or care for children, you must be licensed. To obtain that license, you must have completed classes on how to properly care for a child. Will licensing work? Not completely. Some licensed daycare facilities have failed to guard and protect children placed with them.

Professional sports needs to be cleaned up. If it isn’t a player in trouble, it’s the team, the owner, or officers of the organization. This dreadful behavior sets a bad example for the youth of our country.

Our government is as faulty as major league sports, with individuals past and present having their indiscretions exposed.

I am very aware that my church has not set a good example either. Hopefully, changes that have been and are being made will correct the problems.

People don’t want to admit a bad apple exists in their midst. But when they push a bad apple beneath a handy rug, the rug needs to be removed and cleaned.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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