Home OP-ED Our Family Never Slows Down

Our Family Never Slows Down


Dateline Dayton — The past week has been a busy one at the Hennessey’s.

On Thursday evening our granddaughter, Julia, was confirmed in a nice ceremony, with young and some older people from four different churches, receiving the sacrament.

The Auxiliary Bishop, Joseph Binzer, presided at the confirmation. Bishop Binzer is personable, and we had the pleasure of meeting him some time ago when he visited Pauline’s brother.

On Saturday morning we ate breakfast out and then visited two hardware stores, getting supplies I would need to help our son Chris with his bathroom remodeling.

Afterward, on to our granddaughter Madison’s soccer game. A beautiful Midwestern spring day for a soccer game. You didn’t even need a jacket. Best of all. her team easily won, although the second half was exciting, with the other team scoring five goals.

Then it was on to Chris’s to work for a couple hours on the bathroom remodeling project.

Saturday evening we were at the Dayton Art Institute, attending a fundraiser for the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus. Chris is a member of this outstanding group. Festivities started with fruit and cheese, and the selling of necklaces, which allowed you to participate in the 50-50 drawing.

The drawing was an interesting concept, as you played heads and tails. A coin would be tossed. If it landed on heads and you were holding your head, you stayed in the game. If you lost, you had to give up your necklace. However, if you purchased more than one necklace, you could stay in the game until you lost all of your necklaces. Neat way for a 50-50 drawing.

In addition to the drawing they had a nice selection of silent auction items. I was able to acquire some Dayton Dragons’ baseball memorabilia.

The food? It was exceptional for a catered event where the Chorus performed about a half dozen numbers. A great evening, well worth the ticket. We will be attending next year.

Sunday morning found me at Urgent Care, with gout in my big toe. I was able to make it to church and out for breakfast, but the rest of the day was spent at home. With the right medication, it was gone in a couple days.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net