Home News Library Storytimes Begin on Wednesday at the Vets Auditorium

Library Storytimes Begin on Wednesday at the Vets Auditorium

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The spring session of Wednesday Morning Storytimes at the Julian Dixon Library begin this week, and with a new setting while the library undergoes extensive remodeling.

The Vets Auditorium, 4117 Overland Ave., will host Storytimes in the interim, starting Wednesday at 10 o’clock.

Dates for the almost two-months-long spring session are:

April 22, April 29.
May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27.
June 3, June 10. 

Children ages 5 and under are welcome.

See the Julian Dixon Library’s site colapublib.org/libs/culvercity for additional information.

Ms. Mead is the Youth Services librarian at the Julian Dixon. Email the library staff at jmead@library.lacounty.gov
The Julian Dixon Library is part of the County of Los Angeles Public Library system, colapublib.org