Home OP-ED Walsh & Where? Times Raids Hubbard’s Cupboard. Shame

Walsh & Where? Times Raids Hubbard’s Cupboard. Shame


The Los Angeles Times declares war on the Church of Scientology in Hollywood.

Are Times publisher Austin Beutner and his loyal editor Mr. Shelby Grad seeking to pressure the L.A. City Council to reverse its 19-year-old vote to name a short Hollywood street L. Ron Hubbard Way?

Our website office is just a few blocks away from the suddenly controversial — courtesy of the Los Angeles Times — L. Ron Hubbard Way street sign.

Over the past 19 uneventful years of its existence, there has not been the slightest opposition in Hollywood or anywhere else outside of the editorial offices of the Times to this quite harmless street sign.

The street marker now being harshly questioned at the highest level by the

Times was placed there without incident, @ Franklin Avenue, nearly a generation Ago. Ho-hum.

What is Times Editor Mr. Shelby Grad’s disguised motivation behind dredging up such old news — besides fostering anti-Scientology sentiment?

What is the nature of Mr. Grad’s obvious grudge against the church?

Are Mr. Grad and Mr. Beutner, the publisher, religious bigots, trying crudely to manufacture dissent aimed squarely at Scientology?

Do either of them live anywhere near this Offensive Only to the Times street sign?

Why indeed this unprovoked Times online attack on the Church to be found now at L.A. Now, which is advertised as an up-to-the minute news blog?

Perhaps there should be a thorough examination into the hidden motivations behind Mr. Grad’s and Mr. Beutner’s joint decision to call out Scientology quite dishonestly?

Such a probe ought to include the L.A. Times editorial writer Mr. Robert Greene, who may be currently preparing an editorial as a follow-up, calling for the Mayor and City Council to hastily remove this harmless street sign, prompted by the new HBO documentary.

The Times must immediately cease any attempt to secretly twist the arms of Mayor Garcetti and his always obedient City Council members to remove the L. Ron Hubbard Way street sign, which adjoins the Scientology HQ.

Meanwhile the Los Angeles Times owes the entire Church of Scientology a formal apology in print right now for its nasty, rather suspicious, behavior.

Neither of the websites mentioned below — totally responsible for this message — or any of those connected to these websites have the slightest connection to or contact with Scientology.

Anyone is cheerfully challenged to present evidence to the contrary.

 Mr. Walsh may be contacted at jwalshconfidential.wordpress.com & hollywoodhighlands.org. Tweeting @Hollywooddems