Home Editor's Essays Time for Liberals to Leap Through (Closed?) Windows

Time for Liberals to Leap Through (Closed?) Windows

Photo: Todd Wiseman

The Professional Lifetime Victim party, sometimes known by its nickname name, the Democrat party, wobbled and crashed a few times as they starred in several of the week’s funniest stories.

And this is only Tuesday afternoon.

Gender-obsessed Dems had to swallow burnt crow yesterday.

Law enforcement in Charlottesville said they could not track a shtickle of evidence that a practicing girl liar at the University of Virginia had been raped by frat boys or anyone else strolling by. Remember the story last November? A lazy, angry, liberal man-hating girl reporter from disreputable Rolling Stone tramped onto the University of Virginia campus. She was seeking a fellow girl who had been raped. Any girl, any rape would do. So when she met the fake rapee, the two girls cooked up a fiction stew about a certain UVA fraternity and its drinking boys who had their way with the fake victim.

Cheers of gullible liberal manhaters brought down the rafters, and silly other girls produced fiction surveys about half of married women being rape victims and 76 percent of college girls being daily rape targets. Transgendering was about to score a wave of new members.

Truth is not a left-wing value.

But the manhaters derived heady mileage out of the Rolling Stone story and all the imitators it inspired. They told lies about drunken guys preying on, and praying for, virgins, raping them in the process.

Hey, what was wrong with checkered truths when the ultimate cause was worthy? liberals chortled.

How Do Ye Vote, Sire?

My favorite liberal comic yarn of the week was yesterday’s Supreme Court refusal to hear a challenge to Wisconsin’s voter ID law.

Democrats have been phonying-up voting in droves since 1932 – multiple votes, fictional names, dumped ballots, instantly-produced ballots. This is how U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Mn) came to office seven years ago.

The smashing of standard voting practices continued unabated until 2010. That year  numerous Republican governors and GOP state houses were swept into office. They introduced voter photo ID laws that have infuriated infatuated liberals. Cows, monkeys, dogs and dead cats, not to mention dead people, suddenly were all prohibited from casting ballots.

You have to show a picture when you vote in certain states, and even a child knows cows and dogs have slippery, hard-to-hold paws.

As the Professional Victim party, Democrats lately and  routinely have perpetrated one of the  more pompous lies of the century.

Anybody Wanna Be a Victim? For Free?

Liberals tell liberal journalists, in reality stenographers, that the dumb victims beholden to them – non-whites, girls, single moms, students, immigrants, elderly, disabled – that the law is unfair to these wretches.

Because, as everyone over the age of 9 knows, the professional victims above are uniformly poor. Therefore they can’t afford picture IDs. I mean, you need drug and alcohol money when you are poor. Who would blow it on a photo ID?

In Wisconsin yesterday after the  Supreme Court sensibly rejected a review of voter ID, left-wing Dickie Wolf of left-wing USA Today, found a girl or boy named Penda Hair, now credited with the stupidest left-wing lie of the year.

“The Supreme Court’s decision is a huge step backward for our democracy,” said Ms. or Mr. Hair, co-director of the Advancement Project, a civil rights group.

“The 300,000 registered Wisconsin voters who lack the limited forms of photo ID needed to vote in Wisconsin — disproportionately African Americans and Latinos ― deserve to have their voices heard in our political process.”

Obviously, Penda Baby, the man, the woman or the it, is a racist.

If 300,000 blacks and Hispanics – 100 percent left-wingers — are wandering around Wisconsin not knowing who they are, some enterprising journalists are missing a juicy story.