Home News Starbucks Serves One Tall Non-fat Racist, With Foam

Starbucks Serves One Tall Non-fat Racist, With Foam

Howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO. Photo: The Slant

Having lost their pretend racist protests in Ferguson, Staten Island and Madison, left-wing rabble is birthing a new stunt.

Hate continues to rally.

True to the left’s rudimentary philosophy of rattling pans to create a distraction, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, he of nasty anger, and the left-wing daily USA Today this week unleashed a nasty scam likely to exacerbate race relations in America – the goal of the partners. The left thrives on steaming havoc.

USA Today explains the stunt:

“Baristas at 12,000 Starbucks locations nationally will try to spark customer conversation on the topic of race by writing two words on customer cups: Race Together.”

Hubris rears its irresponsible leftist head again.

Mr. Schultz, an incurable radical who frequently speaks out on gender and race issues, has used his considerable megaphone the past eight months to hype so-far-disproven police brutality.

Naturally, Schultzie is a huge fan of racial diversity. Last we looked, so was everyone north of the Klan.

Schultzie’s latest battering ram is to create “racial equality,” perhaps because white baristas heavily outnumber non-whites who may be token hires at many Starbucks stores.

Mr. Schultz did not say whether he hopes his stunt will attract racists he can convert or likeminded whom he can inspire to protest and riot.

How silly is this left-wing crudity?

Intemperate Schultzie and the equally dim publisher of USA Today have co-signed a letter and an eight-page supplement that will appear in Friday’s print edition of the newspaper.

The boys, who plainly have too much idle time, have listed some, you will forgive the brazen expression, “conversation starters, such as this doozy that servers are to annoy coffee-drinkers with:

“In the past year, I have been to the home of someone of a different race (fill in the blank) times.”

I have three questions for Schultzie and Dr. Dim:

  • Did this lucky person “of a different race” have to have been home at the time?
  • Does driving by count?
  • If I am of mixed race, unconfuse me. Whose house should I select?