Home News Mehaul’s Turn to Aim and Fire Back at Critic

Mehaul’s Turn to Aim and Fire Back at Critic

Mehaul O'Leary

Re “Corlin Aims, Fires at Useless (?) League.”

For Vice Mayor Mehaul O’Leary, his service with the League of California Cities has been a significant, prestigiously maintained responsibility throughout his two terms on the City Council – yesterday’s blistering critique by former Councilman Alan Corlin notwithstanding.

Even before Mr. O’Leary could reply, however, Mr. Corlin, who left the dais seven years ago, added the following stinging dessert:

“Many of us think back fondly to past Councilmen and women whom we now consider to have had good judgment. They cared greatly about Culver City.

“How many of those past elected officials that you are thinking about now were active in the League? I cannot think of any.”

Naturally, Mr. O’Leary, deeply involved in and committed to the League of California Cities, means to differ.

“He sounds like a bitter man, and I have no idea why he thinks that way,” Mr. O’Leary said. “Personally, I have gotten great benefit from my involvement with the League. I have been able to meet Council members from other communities who have gone through issues similar to ours, whether it is negotiating contracts or considering projects.

“Just being able to bounce ideas off people who are going through the same thing has been helpful,” the vice mayor said.

“Some of those I am dialoguing with have been on Councils for 20, 30 years. They have been recognized and successful in their own communities.”

Turning to his critic, Mr. O’Leary flipped the table.

“I don’t see how Mr. Corlin’s experience, if he has any with the League…

“Maybe he just used the League for trips, and that would be abuse of an organization.”

By contrast, “I participate very heavily with the League,” said the vice mayor. “Monthly, we don’t meet but we have regular phone conversations. I am on the Legislative Action Board. So we discuss upcoming bills (in the state Legislature) and what stances we need to take.

“If there is something very urgent, we may travel to Sacramento to meet with our legislators. Or we may just go locally to meet them. Otherwise, we only travel to Sacramento one time a year.”


  1. Former council member Alan Corlin’s reign of terror is over. As many a public speaker has already commented on his many bad decisions starting with voting to give a 15% increase to a City Manager who created positions within the city to serve himself and promoted people with questionable qualifications while persecuting hard working employees all while the City faced financial crisis. Mr. Corlin should slither away back in the hole from where he came from and stop his attack because his memory is obviously gone. I wish the media people would find some real news and stop working in archaeology – – digging in the past. Wish the media would find something current and worthwhile to report. The reporter should dig through past public comments and realize Mr. Corlin slinked away from city council after attempting to destroy the city. Wasn’t it Mr. Corlin who hired the guy who said “If it isn’t broke, break it?” Check the Culver City News the statement is in there. I think Corlin’s buddy summarized Corlin regime perfectly in that statement.

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