Home Editor's Essays Obama’s New Line in Sand Is 221 Christians

Obama’s New Line in Sand Is 221 Christians


From the international crossroads that is Beirut, it was reported last evening that Muslim terrorists have kidnapped 220 Assyrian Christians, an indigenous people, from 11 Syrian communities the past three days.

Minutes later, President Obama issued a crisp communique from his bedroom in the White House:

“Two hundred and twenty-one is my limit,” he said with impressive assertiveness. “Not a body more, maybe.”

For readers, a rudimentary question. Which is more extraordinary:

Muslim terrorists abducting at will – as if they can barge into your home, snatch what they want and leave without fear of retribution from a rhetorically sissified President?


The cowering, fear-blanketed silence of the frightened Mr. Obama?

As Christian casualties multiply, the Christian President lifts his chin to the level of his forehead and confides to confidantes: “I need to think this over. Fetch my favorite pollster.”

Two weeks ago, Mr. Obama nearly went berserk when three young people were killed over a parking dispute near the University of North Carolina campus.  Upon learning they were Muslims, he did a familiar screed on American intolerance of Islamists. When 175×3 of supposedly his co-religionists were stolen, Mr. Obama said, “Shut my mouth, feed me shoo-fly pie and call me Apple Pan Dowdy.”

Last August, Mr. Obama went squirrely when the criminal punk Mike Brown was killed by police.

Last November, Mr. Obama went bonkers when Eric Garner was killed by police.

But when his co-religionists are massively abused, Mr. Obama, Christian, shrugs and says, “They can speak for themselves.”