Home Editor's Essays The Second Longest Story in the History of the Planet

The Second Longest Story in the History of the Planet


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]It is chilling to realize that The New York Times’s foreign correspondent, whose lead story yesterday was the longest since Eve and Adam found out their third son, John Quincy, was gay, could have left out anything besides his mom’s birth certificate.

David D. Kirkpatrick, who has overstayed his Times’ welcome by a year, predictably has the political world buzzing this afternoon.

In the mob world, his job would be called a whitewash.

Fifteen months after the Obama-Hillary scandal that was their lies about the fatal Sept. 11 al-Qaeda raid on Benghazi, Mr. Kirkpatrick dashes to their rescue.

What scandal, boys?

Instead of visiting with my wife yesterday, I read Mr. Kirkpatrick’s 7,000-word account of the second filthiest scandal among a dozen biggies scarring the Obama administration.

In a nightmare for copy editors dead and alive, Mr. Kirkpatrick deployed 7,000 words to conclude “Aw, shucks, folks. Was nothing.”

Al-Qaeda was not involved, he swears. Probably off at a Boy Scouts convention.

Further, the brief amateur video that Mr. Obama dreamed up to blame when the heat was turned up on his re-election campaign in the aftermath of the murders – well, says Mr. Kirkpatrick, it was true. The video caused the four murders.

The dog ate my homework, just the most difficult parts.

Just as President Obama told us last year, days after four Americans, including our Ambassador to Libya, “Aw, shucks, folks. Was nothing.”

As Secretary of State Hillary told us for the same edition, “Aw, shucks, folks. Was nothing.”

Four corpses of relatively young men – but Americans die daily.

Both Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton repeatedly and contemptuously have lied about their activities during the 9-11 hours while Ambassador Chris Stevens and three military men were being slaughtered.

To the victims’ families, the Obama-Clinton message is, get over it.

John Hinderaker of powerlineblog.com, one of the most astute observers in the country of the political climate, insists Mr. Kirkpatrick’s 7,000-worder overlooked the three most crucial questions:

• “Why didn’t Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, respond to any of Ambassador Chris Stevens’ several requests for increased security?

• “Where were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, and what orders, if any, did they give?

• “Why haven’t the perpetrators of the murders been found and punished?”

Donning his choirboy mask, Mr. Obama swore to the American people, while seeking their vote last autumn, he would get to the bottom of the scandal, another joking pledge unanimously ignored.